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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Don't take that post as... (none / 0) (#9)
    by KG One on Sat Jun 25, 2011 at 07:04:37 PM EST
    ...my capitulating to the likes of the guv, sitting down guzzling an über-mega big gulp of kool aid, holding hands and singing kumbayah like the rest of the easily led elected sheep up in Lansing who have repeatedly demonstrated how quickly they will forgo their own principles.

    I've already blasted what passes for local government in Detroit more times than I can count in the past. Hell, I can spin-off of this site on my own right now and write about that topic alone 24/7, if I had the time (for the record, I don't).

    Among the ruins, apathy, incompetence and sloth I've witnessed around the city over the years, when I saw that clip on TV a couple of day ago, let's just say that my initial response to it was not something that is appropriate to repeat in a family-friendly site. What really caught my notice was the fact you had two Detroit Police Sergeants who didn't subscribe to the mindset that destroyed Detroit. Even with little to no support from city government, they were doing their best to make it a little safer for everyone. I feel that should, at the very least, be recognized and commended.

    People want to bash me for that?


    I'll still stand by my comments.


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