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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Good catch! (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Jun 21, 2011 at 08:33:32 AM EST
    That's right about the GoverNerd and MI-RTL.

    Rick Snyder may claim to be "pro-life" and "believe in the rights of the unborn" but his financial support for the Proposal 2 campaign to legalize the killing of human embryos for research in Michigan proves otherwise. Individuals who truly believe in the rights of the unborn don't give $2,000 to a campaign whose goal was to legalize lethal experiments on the most vulnerable unborn children, human embryos. If Rick Snyder was truly prolife, he wouldn't have supported an effort which treats unborn children like they are mere commodities to be experimented on and killed at a researcher's whim.

    In the guest commentary, Snyder goes on to argue that he can lower the abortion rate in Michigan "by focusing primarily on the economy." Governor Jennifer Granholm was another politician who claimed to be  'personally pro-life," but during her time in office Governor Granholm vetoed a number of prolife bills.

    Michigan Right to Life couldn't have picked a better comparison.

    Perhaps if Snyder and his cronies had not scrubbed the internet clean of his campaign websites the RTL error in the bio would not happen.

    As far as Bernero is concerned, I'll give him credit for leaving his soulless stance from the election to remain for God and everyone to see.  That's a quality I can respect more than the chicanery of a money driven insipid change agent Liberal from Ann Arbor that hasn't the balls to remain in open view.


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