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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The sky's not falling yet (none / 0) (#6)
    by Pogo on Tue May 31, 2011 at 02:42:40 AM EST
         The mainstream media, I don't worry about any more. If they had any effective veto power, who would have read anything about, say, Sarah Palin in the last two years? The fact that your eyes see these words tells you there is no more media monopoly. As for public education, it certainly has been ignobly served in many respects for the last 40 years. That said, the result hasn't tilted this state irrevocably into a steadily more socialist hellhole, rather the reverse. The stranglehold of union political power has substantially decreased over that time span; freedom initiatives we would have once thought impossible are now being considered today. There has been a sea change in the direction of firearm laws in this state in the last dozen years. Most dramatically, ordinary people have risen up to go on the political offensive in the format of the TEA party movement. If the effect of education were as bad as it looks, would there be anyone left over by now to even consider these directions? Granted, a large portion of the population suffers from the delusions of perfect-world-collectivist-control, but that has probably always been true in some flavor.
         I've seen some crazy things come and go, and my conclusion is that there is some kind of natural keel in the American ship of state. It certainly can be heeled over for a considerable time (the Sedition Act stayed on the books for over 30 years), but eventually the American system has some innate ability to straighten things out in the long run.


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