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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Your plan assumes that the student is (none / 0) (#2)
    by RushLake on Wed May 25, 2011 at 05:53:30 AM EST
    capable of rational thought and would spend that stipend on education rather than bling, hos, drugs, or some other such crap. That just isn't possible in a situation where generations of children are raised by their grandmothers who themselves were raised by their grandmothers and who were conceived when their mothers were themselves in most instances were not even past the eighth or ninth grade level (assuming they progressed appropriately). It assumes those grandmothers made any attempt to instill in those children that they should strive for something better rather than teach them that it is the white man's fault and they are thus entitled.

    Mr. Roberts may have been an outstanding GM executive once upon a time; he may have the best intentions now. I suspect that he is there because the Ann Arbor crowd currently occupying the governor's "mansion" knows deep in it's liberal inclinations that it can't do a damn thing about DPS and only wants to be in a position to be able to say, "We tried"-symbolism over substance.

    Detroit (like Flint or Saginaw) is merely the closest example we have of the failure of the New Deal and it's illegitimate offspring, The "Great" Society. All africanhyphenamericans are is a democrat vote which is then used to keep them down on the lieberal plantation. Things like public paid for abortions, Bridge cards, and other handouts are kept in place to keep ahyphenas in line.

    The ones who parents have even the slightest inclination to encourage them to do better have left already. Wife works in transportation at Plymouth-Canton Schools. The bus drivers are aware of the apartment in Canton where numerous black children live so they can board the bus and attend a P-C School. P-C Schools is officially not a school of choice district, but no one there is concerned about the extra dollars or the problems not necessarily of their own making that those kids bring with them. I posit that that is not the only such situation in SE Michigan.


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