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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The openly Liberal Obamabot matters little (none / 0) (#4)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon May 23, 2011 at 03:48:09 AM EST
    It's the lifelong left-of-center ones, now considered establishment soothsayers like Krauthammer, who dabble within the GOP playing their subtle assassin roles that need the ever lovin' sh!t slapped out of 'em and tossed by the wayside.

    Somehow, someway, Good Lord willing, the Roves, the Krauthammers and all the other establishment RINO promoters will discover their "new reality" early morning November 7, 2012 in that they've had their collective asses handed to them.  And, that very well may be the reality for Party RINO establishment elite such as Pawlenty and Romney, this election.

    Knowing this, the atmosphere was super charged with the passion and newness of an insurgent campaign, plus the confidence gained by a remarkable few weeks that started with the South Carolina debate "win" and ended with Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee declining to run, and Newt Gingrich imploding about four times in 72 hours.  The Cain campaign advanced six months in those 22 days.

    In addition, in a more intimate setting I was able to find out how Cain has meticulously picked a team and implemented a plan that is extraordinarily well conceived.  With the same focus and planning that one would expect from a CEO with business turnaround experience, he has launched a campaign from nothing that has now some 200 thousand internet based volunteers and a donor base growing by leaps and bounds.

    Cain handpicked his internet guru for the campaign that put this plan in place, but also sports a computer science degree himself.  Cain was a techie before techie was cool, one of the many impressive things about his resume lost in the "pizza man" jazz.  At 65, he has a very modern campaign structure around the internet and social networking.

    Working the tea party grass roots game plan, Cain hired Mark Jon Block as his chief of staff.  Block, along with Reince Preibus, masterminded the tea party take over of Wisconsin, which not only turned out of office liberal Senator Russ Feingold and put Scott Walker into the governor's mansion, but also turned over both houses in the Wisconsin legislature.  When you couple this with the fact that Cain became a tea party favorite with his many speeches over the last two years, there are the makings of a brush fire ground up campaign.

    My money is on Mr. Cain.


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