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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I hear ya, KRH (none / 0) (#19)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed May 25, 2011 at 09:06:40 PM EST
    I hear ya.  But, the ship needs to be bailed before any attempts in actually righting it though.  There is where Mr. Cain really shines.  Besides, The Weeper of the House doesn't have the spine to address violating the War Powers Act, so there's no reason to believe House GOP would actually do anything to address the spawn of Jekyll Island.

    I do have to differ with you on Pawlenty.  I'm not at all impressed with his gifting us a Sen Franken, kowtowing to GoreBull Alarmist, and with what the state run media is undoubtedly lays waiting in the weeds with Pawlentys' Willie Horton moment.

    Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty urged prosecutors Wednesday to open a perjury investigation against a pardoned sex offender now facing new molestation charges in a case that could pose problems for the Republican's presidential ambitions.

    Pawlenty asked two county attorneys to investigate whether Jeremy Giefer, 36, of Vernon Center, lied on his application for a pardon, which requires the petitioner to swear he's been law-abiding. Pawlenty's administration also suspended the day care license of Giefer's wife, effective Wednesday, saying, "the health, safety, and rights of children in your care are in imminent risk of harm."

    Pawlenty chaired the three-person board that issued the pardon in 2008, more than a decade after Giefer pleaded guilty to having sex with his 14-year-old girlfriend and getting her pregnant when he was 19. He served a short jail sentence with work release privileges. They later got married and remain together, and he said on his pardon application that he sought clemency partly so she could open a home day care.

    Giefer was charged last month in Blue Earth County with sexually abusing a girl more than 250 times, before and after he was pardoned, starting when she was 9 and continuing until she was 16.

    "The alleged behavior of this individual is sickening, and it makes me heartsick," Pawlenty told reporters at the Capitol.

    Ya, the pervert may have lied, but alarms should have blared when you've got somebody who was convicted of statutory rape wanting a pardon so  his wife can open an in-home daycare and he can coach youth baseball.

    That is p!ss poor judgment by anyone's standards.  Frankly, no matter how Pawlenty tries to now retool his RINO machine, it still won't erase his real world RINO Big Government past with me.


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