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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Not really (none / 0) (#7)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Jan 02, 2012 at 08:40:27 PM EST
    Exactly how did an address from a private business make its way into a government database in the first place?

    I thought I covered that with the obvious human fly paper that our modernized computer world really is.  Add to the equation a gummint worker, and go figger how the hell it happened.

    But, I'll agree with a certain point.

    Look, if the bad guys had gotten that far into our republic, someone's not doing the job they have right now and watching the front door, plain and simple.

    No kidding?  A reminder?

    And, every step of the way, 'ol Uncle Squeaky defends and enables the bane of society like every other politically correct Progressive fool.  

    Screw the tottering old kooks.  Ron Paul is as unfit to lead as Chomsky.

    A real world like it or not?  These rabid pirating barbarian bastards are a Fifth Column problem.

    I'll tell ya what, let's play with an innocuous little figure like 10%.  Hey, the clowns at Detnews.com find it easy to dismiss the 10% Moocher Class at the taxpayer trough hopped up on drugs, so 10% it is.

    According to Pew, for 2010 there are 1.6 billion Musloids worldwide.  OK, let's say 10% are devout Musloids 'cause I refuse to use PC terminology like "Radical"... Yup, you now have 160,000,000 bomb-belt wearing, IED planting, global supremacy sumb!tches itching to make you their dhimmi.  But, WTF, it's only 10%.  Ya 10% of their population, it'd be like only every other person in the US is committed to domination of your infidel ass.  OABTW, they're out breeding you too.

    Now, let's play with Musliods in America.  Again, Pew says for 2010 there are just under 2.6 million.  10% as the benchmark is 260,000.  If that doesn't make your ass suck the material off your drivers seat a little, you really aren't paying much attention to your surroundings.  Last time I had dealings in Memphis, it was beginning to look a lot like Dearborn south.  That is fact.

    Sorry dude, but jizya and dhimmi just aren't in my future plans.

    Bet Jefferson's koran bookmarked with bacon strips on that.

    History.  Ya, it's a b!tch if one chooses to ignore it.


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