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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Santorum is sounding better (none / 0) (#6)
    by JGillman on Mon Jan 09, 2012 at 07:14:13 AM EST
    and seems to be gaining a little.

    None of the candidates perfectly align at this point with my own personal views, but Santorum is pretty close, and an area which I had a concern (RTW) has been long settled apparently.

    His voting history in the Senate is going to read less "tea party" than that of Bachmann's, but no one makes a better pro-family argument than Rick.

    "I haven't written a lot of books. I've written one. And it was in response to a book written by Hillary Clinton called "It Takes a Village." I didn't agree with that. I believe it takes a family, and that's what I wrote.

    And I believe that there's one thing that is undermining this country, and it is the breakdown of the American family. It's undermining our economy. You see the rates of poverty among single- parent families, which are -- moms are doing heroic things, but it's harder. It's five times higher in a single-parent family.

    We -- we know there's certain things that work in America. The Brookings Institute came out with a study just a few -- couple of years ago that said, if you graduate from high school, and if you work, and if you're a man, if you marry, if you're a woman, if you marry before you have children, you have a 2 percent chance of being in poverty in America. And to be above the median income, if you do those three things, 77 percent chance of being above the median income.

    Why isn't the president of the United States or why aren't leaders in this country talking about that and trying to formulate, not necessarily federal government policy, but local policy and state policy and community policy, to help people do those things that we know work and we know are good for society? This president doesn't.

    In fact, he has required programs not to talk about marriage, not to talk about abstinence, if -- in order to get federal funds. He's working exactly against the things..."

    I have made these arguments myself (without the statistics)that the best answer to poverty is strong family.


    Well, ... (none / 0) (#7)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Jan 09, 2012 at 01:50:48 PM EST
    I am not inclined to dismiss the most important fact that Obama and his administration delenda est.  What I absolutely will not do is consider a Libertarian Party connected candidate.  They are cowardly Neoliberal frauds infesting the GOP who really belong taking their Democratic Party back from the Socialists that overran them.  By now that should be more than clear.

    For the moment, I want to scrutinize Santorum a little more to see what he's really all about, but for anyone with Conservative values, the field is growing increasingly thin.  Santorum might be my only remaining candidate option for me this election.  I like Santorums strong family values and foreign policy positions, but sucks eggs on immigration.  Spence Abraham?  OMFG.  That loser gave us Stabenow.  But, in the big picture, it looks like Rick won't pull a Reagan amnesty stunt like in the 80's when Fidel emptied his prisons.  I never in my wildest dreams would've dreamt he would've pulled such a bonehead move as amnesty, but it happened.

    OABTW, Willard was never a consideration for me.  Matter of fact, those in Office, both state and federal, that have endorsed Romney will most likely not see my support for their reelections.  They outed themselves for who they really are and actions have consequences.  Thus far for me that means AG Bill Schuette can scratch my vote of his list.

    KRH, please note who is endorsing Uncle Squeaky.  Still waiting on those Wild Bill questions for Amash if or when they are answered...


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