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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Hold on to that feeling (none / 0) (#1)
    by JGillman on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 07:18:01 PM EST
    like it means life or death.

    It does Congressman..  It does, for our country.

    Thank you for contributing, and letting us know we have good men as yourself in DC fighting for those values.  It is also good to see you are stopping by.

    I've been rooting for you since you turned around at the airport for that final vote in August 2008 when Nancy turned the lights off.  You missed your flight to do so, and I thank you.

    In Fact, that was the episode that started my investigation on the speaker, revealing her financial motivation for not allowing that crucial vote, which at the time would have provided some price relief at the pump.  Her self serving reasons for keeping prices high are well documented now, and worthy of a criminal investigation in my view.  However, by simply repudiating EVERYTHING that she and the current administration stand for is quite the salve for one who is concerned about the direction our country has been traveling.

    God Bless Sir.

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