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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A lot of us whore (none / 0) (#7)
    by RushLake on Tue Feb 01, 2011 at 12:09:55 PM EST
    Ford employees and retirees (non-union) think that the whore Alan Mulally is doing a terrific job fixing the things that were wrong with Ford and meeting its obligations not least of all my pension. He didn't have to sell his ass to the government like those other whores did either. I was just curious at your anger against those whores for taking government loans and thought maybe you had some evidence that those whores didn't plan to pay that money back. As a stockholder, I'd be willing to attend the annual meeting and demand answers if those whores default on those loans. If I understand it, the government doesn't/didn't loan any money, they guaranteed to cover the loans if those whores at Ford defaulted. I don't believe that's likely given the performance of the company under the leadership of the biggest whore of all time-Mulally, but I have been wrong before and probably will be again. The government stuck its nose in the auto industry decades ago with CAFE standards, safety standards, OSHA, etc so as far as entities being whores, the government whores have a lot to answer for too. Have a nice day!


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