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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    aclu (none / 0) (#7)
    by Tom McMillin on Sat Sep 25, 2010 at 11:50:37 PM EST
    i think the Dearborn 4 want Thomas More Law Center doing the offense as well, though the ACLU and Atty Gen'l office may assist...we'll see.

    BTW, none of the 4 were handing anything out nor recording anyone handing anything out....Nabeel was talking to some festival-goers, Paul and David were videotaping the conversations in relatively close proximity and Negeen was videotaping from further away (until arrested for...um...for not stopping videotaping in public on public property).
    I attended several of their court dates and awhile back during the motion to dismiss, i thought Defendents' attorney Robert Muise had a great point re: "failure to obey" -- what if an officer comes up to you and says, "sir, wash my car now"...not illegal...appears to be "lawful", yet you wouldn't have to wash his car - right?

    I'll be meeting again with ACLU soon to go over what happened and make sure that if need be, we change the laws so that you don't have to obey an officer if they want you to stop videotaping when they're about to do something questionable.


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