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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    One thing I learned (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Sep 23, 2010 at 06:55:17 PM EST
    A long time ago was there is no such thing as a free pony. Once that critter is in the barn you find that out. Hay, grain, straw, all have to be purchased to keep that free pony from starving or laying in it's own mess. Not to mention the intvestment of time when having to clean out the barn. Hmmm. That has a nice sound to it doesn't it? Clean out the barn. Yes, rolls off the tonge rather nicely. Anyway, when these guys talk about free I guess they mean free for them or a small number of the the self styled elites that they rub elbows with. When we see what Free means to somebody like Prez Barry we can understand that when I politician says "free" he means for him and we should hear the word "freeloader." No matter how they spin and duck and weave there is always somebody that has to foot the bill and that somebody always seems to be WE THE PEOPLE. Throw them all out this year. Maybe the next crop will get the message and learn that WE THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD ENOUGH. If they don't there are plenty more that are willing to lead. The rest better get out of the way or get run over by the big ass bus that is coming down the road. You know, the one that says TEA PARTY on the side.

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