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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Tell us how additional regulations (none / 0) (#35)
    by JGillman on Sun Sep 19, 2010 at 04:06:24 PM EST
    Would help..  In fact tell us how EXISTING regulations helped.  Your very thesis points to merely a careless attitude by BP in its operations and IN FACT an ignorance of the very "protections" when you said:
    "Now, had BP and co. observed safety regulations, this disaster could have been stopped at every step on this list. But they didn't. And they are definitely paying a price in the market. They may even go under as a result of this spill. However, this won't undo the massive damage that has already been done."

    Of course the next postulate might be: "well.. other operations stay within the regulatory framework, and they don't have the same problems."

    zat so?  would be my answer.

    Ultimately, the BP thing was an accident. A "teachable moment" so to speak.  No amount of regulatory nightmares added to the list of other government infringements on business' ability to operate was needed for the operators of other platforms, and perhaps even BP itself to consider necessary changes in their procedures.  The cost they have borne, both in income and reputation was quite enough.

    Another trouble is, that many times a rule can be used as a base minimum and an excuse to NOT perform appropriate safety procedures.  It may well turn off the thinking part of the plan of operation, especially if the big brains in government have it all figured out.

    Ultimately as with ANYTHING..  a TRUE responsibility measure including personal liability for the officers of corporations that might have environmental or other adverse impact should be considered the BEST answer.


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