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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I think I recall. (none / 0) (#12)
    by maidintheus on Mon Aug 02, 2010 at 08:11:15 PM EST
    Keep Snyder from the office of Governor. Snyder and the Dems have dirt on Cox that will stop him in his tracks if he wins in the primary, which means Snyder would probably win in the General come Nov. The essay further states that camp Hoekstra also has this info/dirt on Cox.

    Well, Hoekstra knows that Snyder and the Dems have this alleged dirt as well. It would be an extreme injustice for him to allow Cox to win the primary knowing the resulting dirt would render Cox useless. Even if he didn't 'want' to, he would have to, unless he's a dunce or a RINO. I think Pete is a fine individual and this wouldn't be the way he'd handle it. At the least, he would have come out with it Fri and hit it hard again today. There's no way he would stab himself in the back like this and the citizens of this state as well. Nope, I don't believe this make a lick of sense.

    One thing is sure, something strange is going on and I don't think it's with our candidates.  


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