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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Oh, you can have yer 'hope'... (none / 0) (#10)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Jul 20, 2010 at 07:40:40 AM EST
    ...but just don't hold your breath.  I'd hate to lose another good man in this state.  Read this and weep.

    Hmmmm, so who is Joe behind the NerdKings' new website?

    Schwarz is considered to be a moderate Republican who supports abortion rights and favors embryonic stem cell research.

    Schwarz was appointed to Gov. Jennifer Granholm's Emergency Financial Advisory Panel, led by former Michigan governors Milliken (R) and Blanchard (D).

    Schwarz is also active in the UM Alumni Association, and is often spotted at UM sporting events.

    In 2007, Schwarz was appointed to John McCain's presidential finance committee for the state of Michigan. He'd been co-chairman of McCain's 2000 presidential campaign; the two have been friends for many years.

    Schwarz had been rumored to be considering a run for his old congressional seat against Walberg in 2008, either as an independent or a Democrat. Ultimately, he endorsed Walberg's successful Democratic challenger, State Senate Minority Leader Mark Schauer.

    Yep, Johnny 'reach across the aisle' McAmnesty, Bill 'Kerry '04 & Obungler '08 supporter' Milliken, Mark Schauer and Weiser and Nerdking's Ann Arbor/U of M ties...

    Good luck with that 'Hope' thingy, J-man.

    The 'big-tent' Newt mentality bullsh!t has to be purged from Michigan's Republican Party.  The NerdKing is only gonna serve on the state level what John McRINO served on the national.  An imitation Dimocrat just won't sell when one can have a genuine Dimocrat for the same vote.


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