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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I beg to respectfully differ with you. (none / 0) (#1)
    by RushLake on Thu May 13, 2010 at 03:04:12 PM EST
    I worked in the auto industry (Ford) for >32 years as union and management. I was an elected UAW official for 5 of those years. Your assertion that the "workers" are ignorant of what is going on is not true. While there are varying levels of intelligence in that organization as there are in any other grouping of people, the vast majority of "workers" know exactly what is going on and support it. When King spewed his bilge the other day (as recounted in the Detroit News), about how the union deserved increases in pay and benefits because they'd "sacrificed" so much he didn't bother to point out that the union's self appointed CEO of GM and Chrysler (Maobama) had led the efforts to make the taxpayers and bond holders bail those companies out. The noble workers know it, they don't give a damn, and they want more.

    We do not wish our neighbors that work in union shops ill, but we have a right to know why we should sacrifice our hard earned money, accept less benefits, pay more taxes because of the hard times, while they are entitled to more of everything, and in the process drive up the cost of products they produce. Their option, if they don't like the working conditions or pay is to take their skill sets elsewhere in the marketplace.  

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