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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Correct answers (none / 0) (#11)
    by ironfist on Fri Aug 06, 2010 at 01:48:02 AM EST
    I don't know that issues like these have "correct answers".  Generally, I don't think about anything in black and white terms, because every situation has different circumstances that need to be considered.  Yes, each individual circumstance probably has a "correct" answer, but the factors involved in each one makes it impossible to apply that verdict to other similar situations.

    I admit that I would probably be deemed a "lefty" by most people who judged me, though I also agree with many of the positions held by "rightys".  Personally, I find those terms distasteful and divisive.

    I have total disdain for any belief that is based on a "just in case" perspective.  The worst possible reason someone could believe in God is "just in case" they might go to Hell.  Believe or disbelieve in something because you have considered it and accepted or rejected it.  Being undecided is ok with me too.  Believing out of fear is cowardice.

    I don't understand what you are trying to say about my example.  I was asking if it "carries" an answer of does the 13 year old die or does the baby die?  I suggested neither, and I certainly don't think I devalued either life.  That was my point!

    The only answer I have heard for an example like this is that it is "God's plan" and whatever happens happens.  To me, that is not an answer, certainly from someone who condemns someone else for making a difficult choice.  If both lives are in jeopardy, which do you choose?  Is that an easy answer?

    Finally, I'm glad that you brought up eco-activists that want to raise your taxes... just in case.  Well, just in case abortion is made illegal, who do you think will pay for the care of these unwanted children?  Do you think that abortion being illegal will force people to actually be responsible for their sexual acts?   Really?  You cannot legislate morality.  You can't.  People will continue to have unprotected sex out of wedlock, just like they have for centuries, from now till the end of time.

    Don't misunderstand, I do not use this as a moral pass for abortion.  I truly believe that abortion is murder.  I'll add a very personal fact that I am adopted and that I could have very easily been waste on the floor of a doctor's office.  I appreciate the fact that my mother decided to deliver and that I was accepted by a wonderful, caring family that gave me a fantastic life.

    If you can, remove your personal morality from this question:  What happens if every child conceived was actually born?  Consider this question with China in mind, with taxes in mind, with the understanding that people have different beliefs in mind.  

    How would that turn out?  Can America really provide a good life, an education, even a fair opportunity to every child ever conceived in its borders?  We can't even do that now, let alone with the deluge of children born if abortion were illegal.

    I say it again... this is a complex issue.


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