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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The Other Side of the Coin (none / 0) (#20)
    by archiespeck on Thu Dec 09, 2010 at 11:38:48 AM EST
    This is a great post and an equally great conversation on one of the biggest crises in our state. I'd like to play a little devil's advocate though, and present the other side of the coin.

    If the state were to implement KG One's solution, you would have tens of thousands of Detroit schoolkids flooding the inner-ring suburb's schools. I can tell you that this is something that the suburban parents would be none too pleased with.

    Traditionally when a school district opens it's doors as an open district, the school gets overwhelmed with former Detroit schoolkids. These kids aren't used to being in a stable learning environment, and it leads to disciplinary and other problems. Also, the academic standards would plummet as these students aren't accustomed to a more rigorous curriculum. This happened when Redford opened up it's district to outsiders about 10 years ago, and there has been a mass exodus of residents ever since.

    In a nutshell, I think vouchers may act to shift the problem rather than solve it, and lead to a lot of frustrated suburban students.

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