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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    More reason (none / 0) (#7)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Oct 07, 2010 at 03:02:15 PM EST
    Stabs-us-now and Comrade Lenin are both good reasons to repeal the 17th Amendment. That would in effect allow each state Government to choose it's own Ambassador to Washington and make that Senator beholden to the wishes of the state that sent them to the District of Corruption or be recalled by the Governor. This is the way the FOUNDERS set things up. Now thanks to some corrupt idiots in Illinois (imagine that) around the turn of the last Century the 17th Amendment was passed that allowed for direct election by popular vote. The result was Senators like the two aforementioned hacks became tools of the party apparachaks and beholden not to the citizens of their state but of the party bosses. The states have no representation in Washington. The members of the House were supposed to be the representitives of the people. But that too has been perverted by laws and regulations meant to protect the political class. McAmnesty/ Fiengold comes to mind most recently.
    When it comes to Conyers, Dingell and Kildee, they are the best batch of poster children for term limits one could come up with. That will put an end to the political class becoming an aristocracy such as we have now. Repeal of the 16th Amendment takes away their power to confiscate unlimited amounts of money from WE THE PEOPLE and slows the agenda of the big government Socialists.
    Much work to be done. But Nov. 2 we will begin. The states themselves have it within their power to call for a convention to amend the Constitution. I doubt that either side would want that but the mere threat could be enough to start some of the roll back that many seek.

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