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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    What every voter needs to remember! (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Jan 20, 2010 at 06:22:26 PM EST
    On election day this year I would hope that as the voters drive to the polls they take a good look around as they travel. Look at all the empty homes with forlorn for sale signs in front of them.Homes that used to house families and relatives that have left Michigan to seek jobs and better lives elsewhere. See the shuttered buildings that used to house small business's and the factories where Michigan Mom's and Dad's used to make their livings. I want them to remember as they enter the polling place what Michigan used to be like. Vibrant, productive, bustling with activity as we produced products the world was happy to buy. Remember when Michigan had a 3.2% unemployment rate in 2000? Well below the national average and how all the bills were paid for the state and we had surpluses and a full rainy day fund. Our state had an economy that was the 6th largest in the world and a GDP that was larger then most countries.
    All that changed with the the installation of Jennifer Granholm as our Governor in Jan.1, 2003. As Granholm prepares to leave office the first day of 2011 she leaves behind a smoking hole in the ground where the Michigan economy used to be. She and her minions like Andy Dillion, John Cherry and others in the state government along with the Union thugs that permeate the state conspired to destroy and ravage what was once a great state.WIth an unemployment rate that even Jimy Carter couldn't rival (10% for Carter, 15.3% for Granholm). What they leave behind is a carcass that has been nearly picked clean by cronyism and shady deals. Michigan deserves better, much better from the elected class. As we prepare to elect a new group of citizens to office to conduct the peoples business let us choose wisely. Let us pick leaders that will put Michigan first and will have the courage to tell Washington NO when they atempt to load on more cost through unfunded mandates.
    We can turn this state around. But it won't be easy. The first step is to repudiate the Progressives and their leftist hangers on by electing leaders that will do what is best for the state regardless of party. We need to toss out those that think the state government is their personal piggy bank and rule over it as if it were a fifedom. If this state is to recover all of us must realize and assume our citizens responsibility and vote and then remain vigilant as to what those we have choosen do in our name.

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