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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    We have to disagree before we can disagree (none / 0) (#9)
    by Rougman on Fri Aug 14, 2009 at 12:56:30 PM EST
    Perhaps my larger point was lost.  None of these cretins should be within our borders--anywhere, unless Harry Reid's back yard is available.  Our previous President and his advisers devised the best possible plan for housing these terrorists.  They chose Cuba which was a brilliant decision only to have it later rejected by Obama and others as a gesture to the rest of the world that we were no longer going to be some sort of cowboy, go-it-alone country that habitually tortures its prisoners while flushing holy books down the toilet.  

    When Gitmo closes all we will have left will be lousy choices forced onto us by opportunist politicians.  With all in-country venues for these guys being equally bad, I suppose by definition they are all equally good.  

    I don't want them an hour down the road or on the battlefield.  I want them locked up in Gitmo.  My guess is that we agree on this.  

    Another thing you are absolutely right about is that our current state administration is turning Michigan into the nation's groveler.  We are the disheveled hermits waiting outside the city gates hoping for the rich man's scraps.  

    Maybe we can turn some of our isolated islands into disease laboratories to turn a quick buck. We could maybe make some cash by taking all the nuclear waste that the rest of the country doesn't want.  I'm sure Lansing is open to suggestions.  


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