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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    In response to: stevenstmason (none / 0) (#14)
    by BruceB on Sat Jul 18, 2009 at 10:18:01 PM EST
    I am going to respond to each of your inquiries one at a time as you placed them:

        AIG executives were to receive huge bonuses in the Stimulus bill that was signed into law by Democrat President Barak Obama.  These bonuses were inserted into the Stimulus Bill by Democrat Senator Dodd at the insistence of Democrat President Obama.  Democrats Obama and Dodd each received huge campaign contributions of over $100,000 from AIG.  The Stimulus Bill passed the US House with NO Republican votes.  The Stimulus Bill passed the Senate with the votes of 3 complicit Republicans (Snow, Collins and Spector). In my way of thinking this means that the Democrats approved wholeheartedly with what happened at AIG!  All those Democrats voted to give AIG executives the bonuses didn't they?  Otherwise, that AIG Executive bonus language would NOT have been inserted into the bill at Democrat Obama's insistence.  Am I wrong to think that?  And if so, why am I wrong?  

        Executives at Wall Street Investment firms and hedge funds were called on the carpet of the House and Senate and testified about their part in the Financial Meltdown.  As I recall, Congressman Frank went on a tirade during the hearings when testimony from the witnesses started leading back to the committee he chaired and legislation he sponsored or cosponsored.  I would like to hear more sworn testimony from those folks along with testimony from members of Congress concerning these matters wouldn't you?  And while we are at it let's get Franklin Raines, of Freddie Mac, and Jamie Gorelich, of Fannie Mae, under oath too.  Did Democrats Raines and Gorelich know that they were selling bad loans that were wrapped up as good loans to investment houses on Wall Street?  What did they all know and when did they know it?  Americans have already spent well over 1 Trillion dollars on Bailouts and Stimulus most of which was run through the Congress at Democrat insistence.  Where are the hearings to figure out the facts of why and how this happened?  I, for one, would like to see some heads roll over this!  

        Bankers, lenders, mortgage officers, etc, who deliberately ignored or falsified loan information should be asked, under oath, if they made those bad loans as a result of regulations that resulted from passage of the "Community Reinvestment Act".  This is crucial information that all of us should want to know, shouldn't we?  

        Bernie Madoff?  Huh?  I believe that his ponzie scheme was unrelated to real estate and derivatives wasn't it?  He was selling shares in stuff that didn't exist.  He was stealing from "The Rich" and using it for his own selfish interest, Bernie Madoff. Something like what Democrats do with tax money, use it for there own pork barrel projects and regulations that help there own personal agenda, getting Democrats elected!  

        Greedy upper class homeowners in Republican enclaves did make up a very large share of the folks who took advantage of the rules that the Democrats gave them.  They lost and so did we!  

        Real estate speculators, likewise, made up a large proportion of folks who took advantage of the rules Democrats gave them, to their ruin and ours.  But, here he goes again, Democrat Frank recently supported legislation that would loosen lending requirements for Condominium projects.  Congress is also considering loosening the loan requirements for car loans so more folks can buy new cars.  Sounds familiar to me, "Let's just loosen up on those pesky loan requirements, they just get in the way of progress."  What do you think?  Is Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae going to buy and resell these Condominium and Auto loans too?  

        I am glad to say that as a Republican I support the proposition that more people should own their own home and am glad that my Party stands behind that proposition.  

        George W. Bush spoke, in 2002, against the shady lending deals that led America and Americans to this sad end.  The shame was that Democrats didn't listen to him when he spoke.  Democrats ignored the Bush warning to America's peril.  Republican John McCain spoke of the same danger on the Senate floor in 2005.  McCain's words also fell on deaf Democrat ears.  

    Republicans did have control of Congress from 2002 through 2006 and the Republicans who did nothing after hearing the George W. Bush plea for sane lending requirements should be booted from office immediately, if not sooner, for their complicity in this whole affair.  

        I strongly believe that Democrat regulation of the banking industry led to the Financial Meltdown that we are all feeling today.  The Community Reinvestment Act started the ball rolling and it didn't stop until millions of people were bankrupted by the rules promulgated by greedy Washington politicians.  Then, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, lead by Democrats Raines and Gorelich, were enrolled by the Democrats to buy up these bad loans from the banks that made the loans following Freddie and Fannies' rules.  Freddie and Fannie then bundled those loans with others and sold them to the Financial Markets.  The Financial Markets then went bust when the loans went bust.  But it all started with and was abetted by Democrats.  The Democrats loosened the rules that led to more and more people getting loans that they couldn't pay back.  This all started with Democrats!  

    Answer:  Dem Politicians Destroyed The US Economy!  


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