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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Which one do you like better? (none / 0) (#45)
    by Eric T on Sat Jul 04, 2009 at 02:14:14 PM EST
    In the Senate, the Finance Committee version of the bill is unlikely to include a government-run insurance option. Bipartisan negotiations are centered on a proposal for a nonprofit insurance cooperative as a competitor to private companies.

    Three committees are collaborating in the House on legislation expected to come to a vote by the end of July. That measure is certain to include a government-run insurance option.

    I'm just guessing, from the context clue of "Bipartisan negotiations"
    Looks like GOP might be leaning towards the Senate version.

    The House government-run option, could really knock down these unaffordable prices and get insurance priced better, but do people really want the government being the only health insurance, because in time that is probably what will happen. And the possibilities of politics and bureaucracy interfering are endless, will we be better off in the end, It could be like "Barney Franks Subprime health insurance crisis" a year or two from now.

     Until I see the details, I really don't know which one would work better. Senate version looks safer, but For someone like my father, who can't afford health insurance and has none, Will the Senate version bring down costs? Or will it just raise MY taxes?

    If the costs don't come down, and taxes go up, the whole thing is really just a big waste of time. And just another creative taxation scheme we don't need. Do you see either of these plans as able to bring down rates?


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