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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Tsk Tsk (none / 0) (#5)
    by healtHcareevenfortherightwing on Thu Jul 02, 2009 at 11:53:40 PM EST
    Gillman, Gillman, Gillman: Ronnie's GOP takes your money as well. Always has. They just tend to redistribute it to more sexier things than the dems do (cool bombs, jets, etc. vs. health care and other domestic things for its citizens--although Ronnie did jack up taxes big-time more than once back in the day to dig himself out of the hole his previous tax cuts cost...but I digress). So let's do away with that pious argument, okay? Good. Now onward...

    Why is a right-wing company like Walmart supporting Obama's plan? the AMA? Drug companies?

    And, again, a dead serious question: did they or did they not bring up HSAs and a patient with a pre-existing condition on the same day at the same conference in Grand Rapids?

    Stop the juvenile personal attacks and answer the questions. That will help more than anything.


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