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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    PRINTING money. (none / 0) (#19)
    by Eric T on Wed Jul 08, 2009 at 07:47:18 PM EST
    The problem is their printing it only to turn around and give it right back to the banks or the government.
    That ain't gonna stimulate nothing, those are the two institutions TAKING everyone's cash.
    The banks are hording it they don't wanna lend it.
    These same banks get most of my paycheck too. And keep most of it for interest put several dollars in the principle column and call it 5% when it is really 90% interest. Buy the time you pay off your house you have bought the bank 2 other houses.  

    You gotta give the stimulus money to businesses and the people who buy their products. Not just these mega corporations either, I think it is like 80% of employers are smaller businesses.

    George Bush's stimulus plan worked better, you actually got some cash, and could go out and buy stuff. Look at the stock market charts right around the time of Bush's stimulus package. It went soaring for a while. That's the kind of stimulus package we need.


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