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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    that's the dirty little secret ... (none / 0) (#3)
    by theclassiclib on Thu Jun 18, 2009 at 02:07:07 PM EST
    They aren't much different at all.  In rhetoric maybe, but that's about it!

    I've studied the history of the GOP over the past 100 years, and if we're to be honest with oursleves, it's quite depressing.  It's like staying with someone who's been cheating on you your whole life - an abusive relationship.  Take the "wedge issues" out of the picture, and the two parties become identical twins!

    The Republican Party is just a bureaucracy, and political parties have come and gone in America.  It's not that big of a deal.  If the right candidate happened to be a Republican, I'll be happy to support him/her, but calling yourself a Republican in no way equates to being a conservative.

    But of course, I'm an old school kind of guy ... to me, the conservative movement is what it was established to be when it was founded by people like Nock, Mencken, Taft, and then Kirk and Goldwater - a freedom movement - a movement to repeal laws, not create them ... but I guess freedom is "too radical" these days ... we just need more um, better uh, "our" kind of "policy" ...

    There is no such thing as a conservative version of a liberal policy.  Unless of course, a fish can also be a tree.  :-)

    God help us all!


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