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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Uh, excuse me... "mad at them"? (none / 0) (#1)
    by geek49203 on Thu Jun 11, 2009 at 08:09:42 PM EST
    I never thought that we'd jail someone 'cause we are "mad at them".  If that was the case, I've got some GOP leadership that I'd love to see in the empty Jackson prisons.

    No, we put people into prison for several valid reasons, the best of which is that we hope that we can protect people who are on the outside.   We also hold out some (faint) hope that the prisoner will reform their ways, but for most of the population we just warehouse them hoping they'll grow up and too old to try those things again.

    The GOP in Michigan promised in the Engler years to build as many prisons as it took to make places like Detroit safe again.  The GOP passed stiff sentencing laws -- some of which I disagree with -- which then filled these prisons.  In a few short years, Detroit ceased to be the murder and drug capitol of the nation.

    At any rate, I guess that the politicians need a fig leaf to justify why they can close prisons, reassuring us that we won't lose our safety.  Those fig leaves, with the addition of a 9mm hand gun and some new alarms around our homes and business, should leave us sleeping almost as well at nite.

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