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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Thanks (none / 0) (#32)
    by Justin Amash on Sat May 02, 2009 at 01:06:16 PM EST
    Thanks to everyone who has participated in this discussion. It's unfortunate that the same level of debate didn't occur among our legislators before the vote.

    I would just reiterate that faxes and e-mails are inherently more traceable than postal mail or even in-person delivery of the application (none of which require an ID). Everyone knows that in-person (non-absentee) voting has the most safeguards; that's not in dispute.

    Unfortunately, the fraud potentially perpetrated by individuals or groups doesn't depend on submission method in this case. If people choose to fill out false request forms, they will get those forms to the clerk one way or another. The hard part is filling out the form, which (again) doesn't depend on submission method.

    The real beneficiaries of this legislation are not the fraudsters but rather the clerks, who will have less paper sorting to contend with thanks to the increased use of electronic submissions. Is that the primary reason that the Democrats pushed this bill? Probably not. But in Lansing people push a lot of things for political benefit (e.g., making it appear easier for a group to "deliver" the votes), even if they know the legislation won't have that effect.

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