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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Bad argument on Brady's affiliation (none / 0) (#22)
    by chetly on Sat May 02, 2009 at 01:37:26 AM EST
    Nick, gotta defend Brady on this one - that the person is a Democrat staffer is a bad, bad argument logically.  It's the ad hominem fallacy (which is basically the fallacy of the Dem "astro-turf" argument, as well) - I'll admit its MILD ad hominem because you aren't apparently insulting him in a personal way - but the logic of an argument has nothing to do with whether a person is Democrat or Republican, nor even whether they are paid advocates.

    As such, you might as well dismiss everyone's arguments.  I'm a Republican staffer - are my points invalid?  Nick Deleeuw is a former DeVos staffer - does that invalidate RightMichigan?

    Judge based on the issue, not the messenger or party labels.

    That indeed may be something Republicans do need to work on.  "Brand" is certainly important - but the brand must be based on substance underneath it, and there should also be some flexibility as the "tent" has to accommodate at least a majority to have any meaning.  A reed is strong because it has some flexibility but it doesn't break in important places - but it still grows in one direction - toward the light.  Even an oak tree has flexibility.  And plants often grow better and stronger after they've been properly trimmed or pruned - that's the stage we're in right now (unless we prune too much, then our growth will take longer).

    Chetly Zarko
    Outside Lansing & Oakland Politics

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