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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Fraud or government stupidity? (none / 0) (#5)
    by goppartyreptile on Tue Apr 07, 2009 at 02:48:50 PM EST
    I don't doubt, and I do understand, the POTENTIAL problems this could cause... but the question really should be, did any of these people vote?

    I checked the Wayne County and Detroit's clerk website briefly, and didn't find actual election numbers for last year's election.  Or any other... but I didn't look too hard.

    Has anyone matched votes cast to eligible voters?

    That would prove fraud... not this.  I live in a little township in Ingham County, and I"m sure our rolls are off for the same reasons explained in the article.  

    So, is this a determined effort at "voter fraud" or is it just an example of typical government book keeping?  You know, the same types of people that send re-enlistment paperwork to soldiers that are KIA?

    I've been in the military, and worked in the government.  And you would be astounded by the stupidity and group thinking that permeates all bureaucracies... and allows things like this to happen.  Above and beyond any rules that keep voters on the rolls for 2 cycles to keep local governments from purging voters.

    Good catch by Nick, and this deserves to be talked about, but my concern is the random comments I'm starting to see bubble up around the internet... namely, that fraud was committed, and this is why we lose elections.

    To the first point, this shows potential issues, but nowhere is it even alleged that these people, or non-people, voted.  We need evidence before we smear democrats.

    To the second point, if there were 40 people in the city of Detroit, the democrats would get 95% of the vote.  That's just demographics...

    Reading into this with a self satisfied "I told you so" reinforces the GOP's excuse making on why we are losing elections.  It is our actions, not theirs, that has caused our slump.  

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