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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    great idea - some thoughts on pot. complications (none / 0) (#3)
    by benwetmore on Thu Apr 23, 2009 at 02:39:46 PM EST
    it's a great idea, I just hope they thought of some of the obvious problems - i.e. the cost of second place. Why would a great artist spend $50k of his own personal capital to come in second in art democracy? Hopefully they have an answer for that. You could hire starving artists from the lyme academy in CT, and produce 3-5 major works a year for the same price, or any of the great artists on artrenewal.org

    I would just worry that the best guys aren't going to compete because solely rewarding the first place makes it too costly to play the game
    esp. when predicated on the weird whims of the mob.  Now, this is all to say that the way they've set it up is still better than having a panel of art 'experts' decide where you end up with something truly ugly.

    But, I dunno... quite a few masterpieces were never appreciated in their time. The truly timeless items sometimes take a few decades to bloom.  I don't care much for impressionists, but it's a good example: van gogh sold one painting his entire life, I think to his brother if I recall. The empirically proven model of producing great art is for a reasonably well educated man of extreme wealth hires specific talent and gives them a specific moment, story or tale to memorialize, my very amateur mind seems to say that that seems to work the best, though I wonder how the people will vote: will they choose dogs playing poker or the madonna and child or a crucifix in urine like Robert Mapplethorpe.  I'd suspect that the various interests in the city will lobby hard for their respective art, so it'll become a contest of who has the best lists and can do the best turnout.  Maybe it'll end up being a mammoth monument to Obama.

    Though likely it'll be tony the tiger saying "Grand Rapids is Greaaaaaaaaaat!"

    Which I could do for much less than 250k.  In fact I'd be happy to do it for 100k plus expenses.  My bad art skills will look quite postmodern. I could paint it as a mural on the side of a building
    and all the art community would try valiantly to transpose meaning onto it.

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