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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I don't think it's hidden knowledge (none / 0) (#23)
    by benwetmore on Sun Nov 15, 2009 at 06:24:34 PM EST
    I think it's just poor writing.

    if I understand your point, it's that you don't want your choices dictated to you.

    And sure, I'm not advocating the government dictate art.  Far from it.

    But this isn't that situation, this isn't the state of Michigan's artprize, it's the DeVos artprize.  And it's a fair criticism to ask whether this is an efficient use of time and resources to let the mob determine what is and is not beautiful.

    I don't think the mob can choose beauty.  I don't think they'd choose the Mona Lisa over Tony the Tiger.  Having someone choose objectively beautiful art to create, promote and inject into our community is the right way, and mobocracy is the wrong way.

    Almost all the great western art were financed by aristocrats, for their own pleasure, and later made it to the people.  Virtually none of it was chosen by the people and then promoted.  Art depends on elites.


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