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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    To a certain extent, you're right - (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by snoopygirlmi on Wed Apr 22, 2009 at 01:30:39 PM EST
    However, it doesn't matter what the person looks like if they can't articulate Republican/conservative values to the public.

    Also, you also have to consider biology for the under 35 women who aren't running for office.  A lot of us are at home taking care of the next generation and just don't have time to get involved.  

    Yeah, we understand that most people work during the day and that's why meetings are scheduled for 6:30 - 7 pm, but that's prime family time and when we start getting our kids ready for bed.

    I always wondered why I didn't see a lot of younger women at the meetings, but now that I've got a toddler at home, I totally get it - because I'm one of the people who wants to be more involved, but I can't because of just the practicalities of raising a kid.  So, I'm a lot more picky about what I do attend because I've got to take my family into consideration.

    Also, a lot of us who are under 35 really don't want our kids to have the same messed up childhoods (ie divorce, latch-key kid) that we had, so we just aren't interested in pursuing a career as demanding as being a state legislator.  Our family trumps being in the State Legislature.

    Hope that gives you - and others - some insight as to who some of your supporters/activists are.

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