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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Thank God! And write the school board!!! (none / 0) (#5)
    by maidintheus on Wed Nov 04, 2009 at 06:56:21 AM EST
    City Commission: Mr. G received most of the votes!!! Congratulations!

    I am very proud of the city residence today. Well, proud of the ones that made it out to vote and with the way they voted: Big kudos to those 1988 people.

    Out of those, 68 people didn't vote for Bzdok, they wrote in. I wonder who they wrote in...

    Yea! No raising property taxes anywhere! Can you believe they'd even ask?

    Cheryl Walton created seven signs that opposed a Nov. 3 ballot initiative to raise property taxes for 10 yrs. Can you believe: According to the R.E., "..zoning administrator Leslie Meyers acknowledged she pulled up and hauled away three of the signs because they obstructed the right-of-way along M-72. Meyers was unavailable for comment." Yep that's her job BUT this one was REALLY obvious! Cheryl Walton believes she placed her signs a safe distance from the right-of-way and, "They might have obstructed some weeds, but not drivers,"

    I've noticed for some time: The people in the planning and zoning depts tend to see that they have POWER. This seems to go to their head and they seem to be in that position year after year. Hmmm.

    School board: Well, we could have done worse. Still, as they grapple with how/where to make cuts, Brooks was quoted in the paper as being AGAINST privatization. What an ignorant azz thing to say. Maybe that's why she only received 19.93% of the vote! Do you think this will clue the board in on where/how to save money? Megan Crandall has been reaching out to the public for feedback on this matter: I hope people will bombard her with emails pointing out where privatization in many areas would save everyone money, pointing out that (as with Chrysler years ago) people (UNIONS) should quit worrying about maintaining higher wages and be grateful to have a job, taking steps to keep them, which means tightening THEIR belt. John Q public doesn't even have a belt to be tightened anymore!  

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