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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Re: (none / 0) (#2)
    by J Baranowski on Wed Nov 04, 2009 at 05:27:35 PM EST
    Thanks for the information. I used the Ann Arbor School information to formulate my response to the annarbor.com article asking what you want to ask district officials. Here's what I got:

    According to the Ann Arbor Public School 09/10 Budget, "Personnel cost is the single largest expense for the district. Salaries and benefits represent approximately 90% of the general operating budget."

    That being said...

    AAPS would have received $11 million from the millage.

    If you look at their budget:

    $1.92 million for Step (teacher pay) and the accompanying increase in FICA and Retirement contributions due to the Step increase.
    $2.18 million for Fringe Benefits increases (Health, Dental, Vision etc.)
    $1.7 million General Administration
    $11.6 million School Administration

    My questions:

    1. How can you reduce the above items?
    2. What are "Teacher Consultants" (Page 33 of the Budget)?
    3. How can you reduce the cost of the various student support services, which account for $21 million?
    4. What are the responsibilities "Improvement of Instruction Staff" "Supervision/Direction Instruction Staff", and "Other Instruction Staff"? Is there any way to consolidate these? They account for $5.2 million.
    5. Please cut back on the $2.9 million allocated to the Athletic Fund.
    6. Pupil transportation services is $7.186 million. Please see #6 in eyehearta2's post.

    Considering they were hoping for $11 million, I think the above items would be a great starting point for budget reductions.


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