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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    It is time! (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Nov 02, 2009 at 03:08:29 PM EST
    For Jenny to go someplace else and do something she is qualified for. May I suggest a greeter at Walmart might be within her limited abilities.
    While I don't mean to trivialize the budgit process it seems so very simple to me. Do what every other citizen of this state has to do each and every month. Live within your means. There are so many options open to lawmakers that could reform the way the state does business and save money while at the same time attracting business activity from other states. Not picking and choosing the winners but having a bunch of winners instead of a few who are willing to grease the proper palms in Lansing.
    First get rid of that stupid green jobs crap. It won't fly and will be a millstone around the neck of this state.
    My formula is to do the following.
    Adopt a fair tax for the state.
    Pass right to work legislation and make it law.
    Privatize government institutions such as medium and minimum security prisons.
    Set up a school voucher program. Protect homeschooling and encourage more Charter schools.
    Reduce state staffing to 40,000. Defund and eliminate the State Surgeon Generals office. End money for a first spouse office and staff.
    Sell the Governor's residence. That saves millions in maintainence costs. Sell the Mackinaw Island residence. Again more savings.
    Reduce compliance costs to business by adopting a central information system for information and reporting.
    These are just a few that I can think of right off the top of my head. I am sure there are tons more. Oh, we also need a bill passed that in effect would prohibit any governmental entity from cutting police, fire and EMS in a budgit crisis. Untill other cuts would be made first the public safety comes first. This way it can't be used as a sword hanging over the heads of citizens.
    Just a few but it can save us a lot.

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