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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Two points (none / 0) (#8)
    by chetly on Thu Jan 22, 2009 at 10:19:10 AM EST
    My point was not in substantive disagreement with Nick on the issues - it was in strategy on how we frame the issues.  Calling the other side baby-murderers and saying we can't ever do anything else that is unifying on other issues is not going to be a "frame" that works for us, nor, I propose is it very sound itself morally.  If we can agree with O'Bama on hunting down bin Laden or other mass-killers, on preserving Afghanistan or Iraq, or even on some routine domestic program (less likely) that makes common-sense and saves lives; do we not have an obligation to stand in unity on those issues (even while we continue to make it clear we don't approve of other actions)?  That is not apologetic, nor do I see how it is not clear in where it wants to go.

    If you want a positive way of framing abortion - let's challenge those pro-choice advocates Wendy refers to claim they want less abortions to do things that give individuals more information and local education that will reduce abortions. Or just repeatedly ask them - "what are you doing to honor your stated desire to reduce abortion".  Hit the media & grassroots youth with local activism that changes the landscape and minds of individuals. This has been the general trend of legislators since Roe anyway. For no other reason than - that's the only thing you have right now. Roe v. Wade isn't changing in the next 4 (plus) years. Even Democratically controlled legislators have (somewhat) pro-life leaders like Andy Dillon, and even the hardest core PP advocates have hard political roads if you design legislation that is common-sense (parental notification to waiting periods).

    Rarely does a police interrogation elicit a confession by confronting the murder suspect as an evil killer and saying nothing else.  The good interrogator finds the underlying motive or human failing of the suspect and either earns some trust from the suspect or gets the suspect to see their actions in a new way from outside (and in those cases be genuinely remorseful).  Only when individuals wanting abortions can see the situation not from their own limited self-interest or personal justification perspective can you hope to get them to change their minds; and only when pro-life supporters have compassion for personal struggles causing the desire for an abortion will the public move en masse. Even Christ himself offers forgiveness to all, and his life's behavior was modeled this way.

    Here's an idea - would either of you "trade" accepting universal health care for a ban on abortion? The left's argument there is as passionate and emotional as the pro-life -- conservatives are "child killers" for not giving children free health care.  In that vein, it strikes me that when the "frame" we're bound to seek sometime in the next few years comes - "universal health care" "everyone deserves health care etc. comes up, a pro-life argument or ad could be "its not universal because it doesn't guarantee life to unborn children."  I'm not suggesting we accept universal health care, nor do I believe the left would ever entertain such "deal" (although its an interesting political trade) as they have the cards on their side in doing it without a deal and they'd never cave on their choice-constituency.

    Chetly Zarko
    Outside Lansing & Oakland Politics

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