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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Mike Bishop is Real Leadership (none / 0) (#2)
    by Eric T on Wed Jan 14, 2009 at 10:55:56 AM EST
    Mike Bishop has a high quality idea that needs, to be pushed right onto Obama's desk.

    Before the government blows thru a couple trillion dollars, and hands it to states that can't manage to balance their budgets, why not take a closer look and see, exactly what is breaking their budgets, maybe some of these leaders just don't have what it takes to run a state, some may not even be fit to even manage a Burger King, they may have gotten elected on looks, name recognition, ect...

     before rewarding some real bad management with tons of tax money from hard working Americans, the right thing to do would be to take a look at their plans, do they even have a plan?

     There has to be reasons that these states, are broke, and in debt, are they are being too generous to state and city employees, with pensions and benefits? Is too much money going to nonsense projects, administrative costs? Who knows? but it is worth having some experts take a look at why they can't run a balanced budget.

     If the Obama plan is to help working class, he is not going to do it by, raising taxes on everybody to bail out states that can't run a balanced budget, and could very well be back soon asking for another bail-out. Some oversight makes alot of sense.


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