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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Mulhern (none / 0) (#2)
    by goppartyreptile on Wed Sep 03, 2008 at 09:24:39 PM EST
    is a slimy partisan that masks his very boring leftist perspective on life by doing a passable Mr. Rogers impersonation.  

    I know, I listened to his show almost daily during the brief time he was on... and I must've been one of the few, cause they kicked him to Saturday Morning pretty quick.

    Do you have evidence of him asking this of Edwards and Obama?

    Why couldn't he explain why it's ok for his wife to run, and not Palin?

    And how old are his daughters?  She's been down here twelve years, are they 30?  And therefore didn't need their mom?

    The problem you lefties have gotten yourself into is that you are attacking Palin using your own ridiculous made up perspectives on Republicans and conservatives.  

    By trying to claim she isn't a good mom, sounding like some editorial written by the Nation magazine's fantasies of the 1950s, you are just pushing yourselves further and further into a hole.

    Oh, and by being the party of inclusion, and then attacking anyone that doesn't agree with you in the most sexist and racist ways imaginable...  you are diverse in skin color, but not in opinion.  And if anyone steps out of line, you nail them sounding like your own fantasies of the worst southern redneck.

    Don't believe me?  Ask Michael Steele, Ken Blackwell, Clarence Thomas, Shelby Steele, Walter Willliams, Larry Elder, Phyllis Schlaffly, Ken Hamblin, Katherine Harris, Colin Powell,and Condoleeza Rice, just for starters.

    A lot of folks on those other pages you inhabit were strong backers of John Edwards, who's wife is terminal with cancer and who is apparently a very "loving man".

    Nothing wrong with that.  But the GOP? Making up hypocrisy using your own paranoid delusions of what the rest of us folks think that don't agree with you is like second nature.

    Do you actually believe half the stuff you write on here, Novi?  You are entitled to your beliefs, and I spend a lot of time trying to understand how people like you arrive at these conclusions.

    And I've been shaking my head for twenty years.


    When did he ask Obama and Edwards (none / 0) (#11)
    by Nick on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 12:23:34 AM EST
    that question in the press or at any public event?

    Please provide the date, link and audience.  Forgive me if I don't take Dan's word for it.  Or yours.


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