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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Exactly Nick (none / 0) (#26)
    by Ed Burley on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 01:09:53 PM EST
    Palin is NOT "extreme right wing," she's middle America. NoviDemocrat and the other elitists of his/her party don't have a clue what things are like in Buckley MI, or Caseville, or McBain, or Temperance. These towns, and a thousand more, are filled with hunters who want their 2nd Amendment rights protected, churchpeople who want their first Amendment rights protected and morals to matter, farmers and small businesspeople who are tired of giving too much of their hard-earned dollars to Washington D.C., and blue-collar workers who understand that unions don't mean much if there's no companies to work for.

    Middle America can relate to people like McCain and Palin. They see "war hero" and "hockey mom." They see hunter, church-goer, mom, daughter, small business owner. This is what America's been waiting for - not some champagne sipping liberal elitist who worked hard to raise taxes on the working poor, and further control the lives of the proletariat.

    America was about sending regular folks to govern, not elitists; and Sarah Palin is the exact right choice.


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