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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    You are right (none / 0) (#10)
    by tenex22 on Fri Aug 08, 2008 at 08:11:35 AM EST
    I fully support conservation and effciency. I support alternatives, hell I even support inflating your tires...I will support anything and everything that gets us away from sending 700 billion a year to the terrorist sponsoring nations in the mid east. Why won't you?

    Novi, You've Outdone Yourself (none / 0) (#11)
    by Rougman on Fri Aug 08, 2008 at 01:37:21 PM EST
    Why would you ever suggest that conservatives do not support conservation measures?  Thats just dumb.  Conservatives believe in conservation, but they also believe in adding to oil supplies.  In the past two years I've increased my own fuel efficiency by over 50%.  (More efficient car, less driving, slower speeds.)  In the real world conservation means not just inflating tire pressure but also things like sacrificing two years in a row of family vacation, not leaving work for lunch, missing many of my children's sporting events, and torquing off the Hummer drivers that tailgate me on M-33.  

    What more do you want me to conserve?  I can only sacrifice one lunch per day.

    As far as air pressure goes...how far above the 35 PSI recommended do you want me to go?  I mean really, what kind of an idiot drives around on under inflated tires. That recommendation has been around since long before I was driving--maybe you missed the memo. You and Obama might as well tell me that I need to tune-up my car too. Ooops...you already have.  Give me a freaking break.  Perhaps your tires have been at about 20 PSI and your plugs are bad and that air filter of yours needs changing.  So, take care of it!  The rest of us aren't that dumb...and assuming that we are is nothing more than blatant projection.  Maybe we need to get the Bureau of Under Inflated Tire Police a shot at this.

    When did I ever say that increased usage without an increase in supply would not inflate the price of anything, including oil and gasoline?  Please quote me where I said that.  You dems are trying to create a shortage of oil so that you can scream about a shortage of oil.  You want prices to be high so that they, what, won't get high?  Thats like burying your bread in the back yard so you can cry huge tears about not having food.  

    If there is a lack of honesty here it is coming from the mouths of progressives that mischaractize their motives.  You are not worried about an energy shortage per se, you and Nancy Pelosi are worried that burning fossil fuels is going to destroy the planet.  We all know that oil is a finite resource.  This not, however, what concerns you....you would be more concerned if oil was infinite. WE CANNOT BURN FOSSIL FUELS!

    I want energy independence in the future.  If that means I have to keep my tires inflated, slow down, and drill in ANWR, I'm for all three.  Future energy dependence will also require a massive increase in the number of nuclear power plants, wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, and ultimately fusion (golly, I'll bet that just sent you scurrying into the fall-out shelter.)  

    If you honestly think that being able to reach these goals will be more easily accomplished by kicking the legs out from under our wealth building economy (currently fueled by oil) you are more delusional that I thought.  And believe me, I'm a big thinker.


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