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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Correction: You're a BAD Republican (none / 0) (#8)
    by Angry White Male on Tue Aug 05, 2008 at 04:21:44 PM EST
    Pardon my rudeness, but there's no nice way to say this: You are part of the GOP's problem, not its solution. You believe that it's OK to send men with guns to collect money from your neighbors to pay for amenities that you and your fellow zoophiles aren't willing to pay for yourselves.

    You want a zoo? Join other zoophiles and buy one. If not enough people are willing to pay admission at a level that makes it a going concern economically, by what right do you impose the cost on others who don't like zoos? You say it's an amenity that adds to property values? Why stop there, then - why not impose taxes for pyramids, palaces and Piss-Christ works of "art?" In any event, higher property taxes lower property values more than your "amenity."

    If people want tax-and-spend they'll elect Dems. If Repubs want to tax and spend, the people will elect Dems.

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