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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Bravo Nick. (none / 0) (#11)
    by Jep on Mon Aug 18, 2008 at 10:04:10 PM EST
        I have to admit though, I am kind of amazed that you seem so surprised and offended by this.  Race baiting has been a staple of Wayne County politics since the riots and explains why racial attitudes throughout the Detroit Area have progressed very little over the course of the last four decades.  It has remained a tried and true tactic of corrupt politicians since the administration of Coleman Young and remains in use today.  In the eyes of Kilpatrick's supporters, you can not criticize an African-American leader without being a racist and huge swaths of Detroit's population, surely products of their public school system, buy this.  The aspect of this that I find particularly amusing is that the bigot-labeling is not only confined to Kwame's Caucasian critics, but to the mayor's black opponents as well.  To listen to the gibberish coming out of City Hall these days, one would think that Kim Worthy had recently been elected as Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan mere minutes before taking office and filed all those felony charges against Kilpatrick as some sort of white supremacist fraternity prank.

        Fortunately however, the mayor's blatant disregard for the law (and more damning, his betrayal of a constituency in the throes of a debilitating financial crisis) was caught on videotape and the images of him spewing so much vitriol in denying the affair with his chief-of-staff cut a very powerful picture.  I often wonder if this scandal would have broken the way it did if Kilpatrick had answered the prosecution's question during the whistleblower trial with a simple "no".  Being so cornered after getting caught in that lie, his race baiting just seemed to ring of hollow desperation and sounded scripted and unconvincing. Even Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, ever so vigilant of any suggestion of white conspiracy, put so much distance between themselves and Tricky Dick Kilpatrick that one might think that he was infected with some sort of airborne strain of venereal Ebola.  

        As for the liberal media targeting you, well it just goes with the territory.  At this point Kilpatrick is not just soiling Detroit, he is leaving more streak marks over McNamara's scions than he could have if he was battling an accidental overdose of bad Gouda and Ex Lax.  Anyone highlighting this mushrooming situation is also exposing Granholm's spectacular lack of leadership as well in not dealing with this situation before it caused irreparable damage to the rest of the state, kicking the region repeatedly when it was already down.  I have a feeling that this will have a significant impact on the moderate and independent voting public come November.

        In my personal case, there is no way that I can be convinced to cast a ballot for John McCain in November and Barak Obama was set to receive the first vote I ever cast for a Democratic presidential candidate.  The more I see of the DNC modus operendi of wagon-circling around a particularly heinous cohort however, the more convinced I am that the best course of action for me is to camp out on the couch this November 4th in my underwear, drink Mojitos and watch the second season of Dexter on DVD.  I don't blame Obama personally for any of this mess and I would certainly not link him to Kilpatrick any more than I would link George Bush to Nancy Pelosi just because he once said a kind word about her, but if Detroit is an example of what a Democratic monopoly can do to a city, I certainly do not want to have any part of putting them closer to a monopoly of power in regards to the nation.  Granted, they're all deserting the sinking ship now but it is far too late.  They could have had one more vote had they taken some action before the damage done was irreversible.

    JEP http://jepreport.blogspot.com/

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