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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    how about this? (none / 0) (#2)
    by goppartyreptile on Thu Aug 14, 2008 at 11:59:56 PM EST
    Whether or not it gets on the ballot, we are in danger of losing the politics on this thing.

    Without hanging this around their necks, the dems will come back and attack us on it... if we get it thrown out, then we are protecting our own at the expense of the people, etc.

    The legal side of this is necessary, but so is the political.

    How about an ad highlighting the last page in the power point that clearly states that this proposal is cheaper than taking on an incumbent justice?  That it guarantees a reduction in cost and increases their chances of winning?

    I see an ad where the cartoon "Bill" from School House Rock comes out singing "I'm just a bill, just a lonely old-- hold on... stop the music.  This is the way things work, for now.  But the Democratic Party in Lansing wants to change our entire Constitution so that they don't have to deal with pesky things, like your right to choose your candidates for (the legislature, judge, etc). They even want to take away your right to get proposals you believe in on the ballot for a vote!

    We believe in fair play, fighting for our issues, and healthy competition.  We believe that your vote is sacred, and no matter how you vote, or who you support, your right to be heard is the important thing... the citizens are in charge.

    The Democrats apparently believe that fighting for their beliefs is too hard.

    On November 4th, let's teach the democrats something about democracy."

    That's certainly not perfect, but I think the theme is good.

    The way around this thing is to emphasize that the democrats, the party of the people, are frustrated that they can't get their way... and are just going to force us into it.  

    Remember what Richard Nixon said about Alger Hiss:

    "If the American people knew the truth, they'd boil him in oil."

    If the citizens of MI learn the truth, they'll be warming up the oil too

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