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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    millages (none / 0) (#1)
    by rightmich on Mon Aug 11, 2008 at 12:49:37 PM EST
    I am so sick of these millage attempts, re-attempts, re-attempts and finally successes that allow other uses for general fund money. It's always the same:
    "It's for the kids."
    "Who can say no to veterans?"
    "It's for the seniors"
    "it's for the library"
    "Your tax bill will only go up (fill in the blank) per day. No more than a cup of coffee"
    "It's for the zoo"
    "Don't you want good roads?"


    Every time these millages get approved, more people are hired, more politicians are let off the hook, and more of our money goes to places that not all of us will ever enjoy. When people try to tell us the money will be for the necessities or the extras, we should remind them the lottery let the state off the hook for education dollars from other budget areas, but once again we have these shortfalls.

    I believe in supporting education and basic government offerings (cops and fire for example), but all of these other extras should be financed privately and users should allow the market to dictate the costs of those services to those who want to use them.

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