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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Exactly (none / 0) (#11)
    by Ed Burley on Wed Apr 02, 2008 at 11:42:33 PM EST
    this whole criminalizing of prostitution goes back to a time when "Christian" women were too busy trying to ban alcohol and other horrible things, and weren't giving their husbands their rightful due (that's what the scriptures say). Most likely, these "puritan" types believed that sex was dirty, or only for procreation.

    Since men knew better, they sought out some "comfort" for just a little cash (way back when it was legal and competitively priced). This pissed the puritan wenches off, and they got it outlawed.

    I think it is reprehensible for a man to lay with another woman not his wife. Too many Christians though forget "our father" Judah, who laid with what he thought was a prostitute. Turned out she was his daughter-in-law, Tamar, in disguise because he had reneged on the promise of giving her his son (since the two earlier sons/husbands had died without giving Tamar a child). When Tamar ended up pregnant, Judah was going to have her killed for adultery. When she proved that the child was his, he repented of desiring to kill her and called her RIGHTEOUS.

    Their offspring eventually begat a son, who begat a son, etc. all the way to the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps we, who think ourselves so righteous, should take another look at the book. What we will find is that God chose some very shady characters to bring forth the Savior of the world: murderers, adulterers, prostitutes, foreigners.

    I feel bad for Ms. Stabenow. She may want to consider taking some time off to spend with her husband. Sometimes that's more important than trying to raise our taxes.


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