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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I think you really pi$$ed them off this time... (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 01:19:58 PM EST
    This whole recall thing has them "knocking on..." each other's head.

    Do they fail to see, recall or no recall, people are very dissatisfied with many things, higher taxes being just one.

    Don't let them distract you.

    Speaking of distraction, isn't the Godwin's Law often used for such effect? Strawman methods and the like are used to distract from the actual issue or danger. If you have a headache due a brain tumor and I sell aspirin, I can try to keep you focused on your headache with propaganda about my pain cure and it maybe quite easy to keep you distracted. This gives propaganda a bad name. Historically, propaganda has often been used for good or bad. Let's stay focused on the root cause, knowing it's not the word but the intent and results, not at the alter of selfish ambition. I guess I should properly throw in a few words about Hitler, Nazis, and the like...so go do a research if inclined.    

    At any rate, I always find it suspect when personal attacks are used out of context and other strawman methods.  It's one thing to say that Andy Dillon is an a$$ and another to say he's an a$$ because he raises taxes to cover government waste and won't quit spending... even during difficult times. The former should never be done.  He leaves himself wide open for the latter.

    Uh, I don't think they addressed the "right" of people to attempt a recall versus having such attempts thwarted except to parse the word "is." Wink! Cool on, cool for...huh? Perhaps it was meant to say "I'm thoughtless on/for..." because it certainly wasn't thoughtful.

    They secretly admire you (also) and have too much group think to admit.  Go Nick!

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