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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Save Money? (none / 0) (#6)
    by Beerme on Mon Dec 08, 2008 at 06:19:36 PM EST
    How about having State agencies do their purchasing from one source which will give the agencies a terrific deal because of the high volume? For instance, the Department of Corrections pays big bucks for their leased vehicles and I could easily negotiate better deals, especially when you consider the hundreds of vehicles that would be leased. This could be done with virtually hundreds of products that the state pays TOP dollar for and could easily pay less than the public, considering the volume purchased.

    State agencies purchase furniture and other items from the Michigan State Industries, a company that uses state inmates as a labor force and still charges a market price for their products. These workers make pennies per hour but the products are-in most cases-more expensive than comparable private enterprise offerings. These purchases are all but mandated for state agencies. Their ordered to purchase through MSI.

    There are many agencies that should be cut but it won't happen.

    Cut the unnecessary highly paid executives at some of the state agencies. If I'm not mistaken, the number of 17 level executives ($100K and above) in this state has doubled over the past ten years, while we've steadily cut the actual worker bees. None of these goofs ever loses a job; they're just shuffled over to another agency where a new position is created for them! A few choice FOIA requests would prove this true. Cut 'em!

    I guess that's enough for now but I'll be back with more...

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