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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    MEGA was created by Engler (none / 0) (#1)
    by Angry White Male on Tue Dec 16, 2008 at 09:05:12 AM EST
    MEGA was created by Engler. And the 21st Century "Jobs Fund" was created by Bill Huizenga. And a signifigant number of the tax breaks given out yesterday are authorized under legislation sponsored by Sen. Jason Allen. And all the above was passed with large bipartisan majorities.

    Why do pols love this failed policy of bureaucrats picking winners and losers? It lets them look like they're "doing something" about the economy without doing the heavy lifting required to really do something, like reform labor laws and cut spending (so they can cut taxes). It's all a scam, and a completely bipartisan one. Granholm's just a cheerleader for this failed policy, not its originator or cheif architect. She's no more or less culpable than almost all legislative Repubs.

    One minor hero in this farce: Sen. Nancy Cassis cancer into outright cash handouts - "refundable" tax credits. Hemlock Semi is a huge recipient of these, and was the headline of yesterday's news.

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