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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    It's only just begun.... (none / 0) (#23)
    by gnu2u on Fri Dec 12, 2008 at 08:36:58 PM EST
    I think the Wall St. vs. Main Street double standard will not sit well with most people.

    It is offensive to demand wage concessions and salary caps from the autoworkers while no senators asked AIG or Goldman Sachs what their rank and file earn, or if their benefits were too generous. No one demanded, as a condition of financial help, that the workers of the Wall St. firms take mandatory pay cuts.

    The situation stinks, and I fear many will view it as an assault on the "working class."

    Exactly. I have absolutely no love for the UAW whatsoever, but let's get real.  Where were the wage concessions for the financial industry?  Do you see the head of Citibank getting excoriated in front of Congress like the Big 3 did?  If the no-bonus-for-anyone-making-$250,000-a-year-or-more language is in the auto bailout, then it should be in TARP as well.  The FEds refuse to identify who has received $2 Trillion in TARP (read: yours and my tax-funded)dollars.  REFUSE. How can we as a party demand this transparency and these concessions of the Big 3 and not the Big Banks?

    The UAW and the Democrats have all the ammunition they will need for the mid-term elections.  Republicans hate auto workers.  Republicans love big-money bankers.  Republicans don't care about the working class - they only care about their rich, fat cat banker buddies. I can see the ads already...sigh.  

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